Tuesday 16 May 2017

Winner of the International Never Such Innocence - Poetry & Art Competition

Congratulations to Ivy!

Ivy is the biggest winner of this years' art competition. Her art work won all the first places of  Canada Royal Legion Branch, Area, District and Province. Finally, she won the national second place.

The Dominion Office of Canada Royal Legion sent the art works of all the national winners to compete in the "Never Such Innocence - Poetry & ART Competition", which is an international event.  Among 1800 competitors, 30 winners were selected. 6 winners are from Canada and Ivy is one of them. Ivy won the second place in this competition.

So far, Ivy and her family have been invited to attend the award ceremony in England at the end of May, 2017. We wish Ivy and her family a wonderful trip to England!


Award Ceremony at Calgary Branch #1, Royal Canada Legion

There was an Award Ceremony at 1:00pm on May  at Calgary Branch #1. Three Students, who won the the national second place were issued the certificates of winning of the Province and Prize of Checks. They are Strong Duan, Ivy Shi and Annie Chen. The certificate of national winning will be issued late in the students schools.

Thursday 11 May 2017

Winner of Skills Canada

Congratulations to Strong Duan!

We just got the news from Skills Canada live TV show that Strong won the Golden Medal of 2D Animation Competition. This is another big win after wining the national second place in the Royal Canada Legion Poster and Literary contest.